I woke up in the guest room again this morning. My temperature was 98.2. I decided it was time to POAS. I then stared and stared and stared. Finally, I woke P up and made him look.

P thought he saw a line (it looks darker in the photo). I got out the digital.

I am afraid to be excited only to get devastated again. But I'm even more afraid of not enjoying every minute of it.
Looks like a positive to me. I am so happy for you!!!
OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG!!!! I'll start praying now that it's exactly what it says it is and stays that way for a good 36 or so more weeks!!!
That is 2 lines!! Excellent
Yay! That mix of emotions, excitement and hesitation is familiar. I'll be thinking good thoughts for you.
So exciting!! Don't beat yourself up for having mixed emotions.
I'm crossing my fingers extra hard for you!
Congratulations! Enjoy every minute of it. I'll be praying for you. (All three of you.)
Oh, congratulations, Sweetheart!
I know, I know, it's hard to be excited and I know, I know, so much can go wrong.
I am SO excited for you!!!!!!!
Great news! Keeping good thoughts for you.
No way!!! I have goosebumps....such wonderful news. I have several gals in my blog roll that all have recently found out they are pregnant too, all VERY early. You should check them out, they have great entries on enjoying the moment, fears, excitements, etc.
two recent ones:
A little sweetness
Life after D and C
Wonderful news!!!
WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOO! Congrats!!!! Isn't it weird that we are getting positives so early? I always thought you had to wait until 14 or 15 Dpo but I was the same. Take that fertilityfriend.com! :)
Congrats on our BFP!
What fabulous news!
Congratulations on your speedy BFP! I'm wishing you a happy & healthy pregnancy.
Congratulations on your wonderful news!
Congrats! I know the fear of everything happening again will be there, but your last line sums it up perfectly. Enjoy this wonderful miracle...every.single.second. You will be thankful for that ;-) Congrats again!
Holy freaking crap! I am so late! But I still wanted to extend a ginormous Congrats to you! Woot!
OMG! I'm so, so sorry I missed congratulating you in a more timely way. What wonderful news! (though, of course, it's scary too)
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