Saturday, December 22, 2007

Back in the Day

For the past fifteen months or so (since before my grandfather's 90th birthday), my father and P have been working together on creating the slideshow to end all slideshows. My dad has been scanning all the photos and slides, while P has been formatting the photos into a slideshow, setting it to music appropriate music to reflect the various eras represented, and creating a DVD from it. It has ~1000 photos and is 2 hours long, spanning more than 80 years. It's quite impressive. Here are a few selections from my life, seeking to avoid posting photos of others who may not wish for their likeness to be depicted on a largely anonymous blog.

Me and my mom, August 1977, when our relationship was thoroughly uncomplicated

Me, halfway through blowing out the candles on my second birthday, June 1979

Best Halloween costume ever, October 1980


HereWeGoAJen said...

I love seeing pictures!

astral said...

I love your pictures. That's a good idea to get all your pictures together.

Sunny said...
